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Run Linux programs on macOS, a different Linux distro, or a different architecture


  1. Install Docker by using the packages available in your distro or by following the official instructions.
  2. You should already have Python and the pip command installed. If not follow your normal distro procedures to install them:
    • On Debian or Ubuntu do: sudo apt-get install python-pip.
    • On Fedora or CentOS do: yum install python-pip.
  3. Install Karton: pip install karton.
  4. Try running karton. If it fails because the command was not found, add ~/.local/bin to your $PATH environment variable.
    • Open the ~/.bashrc file (assuming you use the bash shell, which is the default for most users).
    • Add PATH="~/.local/bin:$PATH" at the end of the file.


  1. Install Docker for Mac following the official instructions.
  2. Install the pip command by copying this in a terminal: which pip || sudo easy_install pip.
  3. Install Karton: pip install karton.
  4. Try running karton. If it fails because the command was not found, add ~/Library/Python/2.7/bin/ to your $PATH environment variable:
    • Open the ~/.bashrc file.
    • Add PATH="~/Library/Python/2.7/bin:$PATH" at the end of the file.

From source (all platforms)

You can also run Karton from source. This is recommended only if you want to modify it.

  1. Close the repository from the Karton GitHub page.
  2. Create a symlink somewhere in your $PATH pointing to the scripts/karton file in your clone of the repository.